Local Professionalism Panel |
Established by Administrative Order 2014-08.2, signed by Chief Judge Andrew Owens, Jr. on April 10, 2014, the Local Professionalism Panel ("LPP") was created as a circuit-wide committee comprised of attorneys from the counties in the Twelfth Circuit. The current governing Administrative Order is 2015-12.2, effective August 28, 2015. The purpose of the LPP is to receive and resolve complaints of unprofessional behavior on an informal basis. Administrative Order 2015-12.2 permits any person to initiate a complaint alleging unprofessional conduct by an attorney. Unprofessional conduct includes “substantial or repeated violations” of, among other things, The Florida Bar Creed of Professionalism, the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar, and the Twelfth Circuit’s Standards of Professionalism.
Members of the public may access a complaint form on the Twelfth Judicial Circuit's website, which may be filled out and submitted electronically. The LPP chair reviews each complaint and determines whether it is appropriate for referral to a three-member panel. If referred, the panel may meet with the subject attorney, discuss the alleged unprofessional conduct, and determine whether the attorney would benefit from some form of mentoring or other practice and professionalism enhancement program. Instances of egregious conduct may be referred to the Attorney Consumer Assistance and Intake Program (ACAP) of The Florida Bar, as such matters are beyond the scope of the LPP's function. Although compliance with the LPP process is voluntary, the LPP Chair completes and individual reporting form for each complaint. The Chief Judge of the Circuit then submits a Quarterly Report to the Florida Supreme Court on the number of complaints filed and their resolution.
General Membership Meeting 2025